Once you've downloaded the Booxotel Hospitality Suite, you may begin entering all essential data about your hotel. Primary information required by the system includes hotel location and contact information, room specifications (such as room categories, room-specific options, etc.), normal, seasonal, discount room rates, primary sales outlet information, and more.
A basic system configuration generally takes no more than 45 minutes to complete. Once this primary information has been completed, you'll be up and running. Additional details, such as restaurant menu items and other sales outlet data and pricing can always be completed at a later date.
Throughout the configuration procedure, easy to follow video tutorials will visually step you through each aspect of the process while "clickable" item-specific help messages will answer any questions you may have about the information requirements needed for each configuration item.
After your initial configuration has been completed, we invite you to take up to a full two weeks to test the Booxotel system. Once you see how easily the system will manage your day-to-day reservations, room-management and sales outlet details, you may initiate your free 60-day trial.
Rest assured that all confidential hotel information - as well as guest-related credit card details and transactions - are comprehensively protected against automated "information harvesting" as well as other forms of unauthorized access.
To view the full detail of each of the primary System Configuration requirements, please click on any of the topics listed below.
Click any topic listed below to view a comprehensive topic description.